Bargaining News


December 19, 2022

Join us in bringing these demands to the Executive Branch negotiations table

Dear State of Maine Co-Workers,

As we prepare for negotiations, we want to acknowledge the thousands of state workers who completed the bargaining survey, submitted ideas and shared examples to set the agenda for negotiations. We’ll dig deep into the responses over the coming weeks to prepare proposals for negotiations. Four core demands surfaced throughout the surveys; join us in bringing these demands to the negotiations table:

  • Recruit and Retain Staff — it’s past time to close the pay gap, fix the broken classification system and address needs like training and orientation;
  • Work Life Balance — including addressing the need for time off, flexible work schedules, better access to the ability to work from home and improvements to leave time like bereavement;
  • Fairness and Equity — including access to promotions, fairness in applying work rules and conditions, equitable access to training and support, and workplaces free from harassment, bullying and discrimination;
  • Healthy and Safe Work — from the right staffing to do the job to workplaces safe and free from asbestos, mold and other toxins, to time and support in dealing with trauma at work.

We have sent out our letter to initiate bargaining with the administration with a request to begin negotiations in January.

The needs of all of us must be heard and addressed in these negotiations. To do that, we must demonstrate to the administration that every step of the way, workers across the state are a part of the process and united to win a fair contract and stand up for the services Mainers count on. To achieve this, we’re changing how we bargain to invite all state workers represented by MSEA-SEIU Local 1989 to join us to observe bargaining and discuss proposals in our union caucus.

In order to walk into the first negotiation session grounded in the support and strength of workers across our state, we’re asking you, our co-workers, to sign on in support of the core demands that will echo throughout the proposals we bring to the table. Management won’t receive a copy of names who sign on:

YES! I support the 2023 Negotiations Core Demands.

In Solidarity,

Your 2023 Negotiations Team
Dean Staffieri, President, MSEA-SEIU Local 1989
OMS: David Boudreau (DOT), Andy Lane (DOT), Jason Hall (Ferry Service) and Joseph St. Pierre (DOT)
ADMIN: Tracy Bonnevie (DOT), Cassey Tompson (Corrections) and Vanessa White (DHHS)
SUPERVISORY: Erik Gordon (CDC), Patrick Lockhart (Corrections), Derryen Plante (MRS), Cynthia Sargeant (DHHS), Victor Tardiff (DOL) and Jon Woodard (DEP)
PRO-TECH: Kathy Anderson (DHHS), Mark Brunton (DHHS), Paul Carignan (Corrections), Candise Colfer (DAFS), Morgan Dunton (DOE), Catherine Figliolini (DOL), Tim Hebert (DOT), Luc Nya (DHHS), Brendan Parker (Public Safety), Kevin Staples (Marine Resources), Kevin Russell (DHHS) and Ramona Welton (BMV)

Join Our Union

Are you employed by a worksite already represented by MSEA-SEIU Local 1989? Are you not yet represented, but interested in learning more? Explore the different ways you can obtain MSEA representation.

MSEA Updates


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