

January 4, 2023

Apply now for 2023 MSEA-SEIU scholarships!

Tyler Brockway, son of Jay Poor/Richard West Chapter Member Barbie Brockway, won our 2022 Murray L. Brown Scholarship ($1,000). He’s  attending Thomas College in Waterville.

One of the benefits of MSEA-SEIU membership is our scholarship program. We have 10 scholarships to award in 2023. Seven are for full-time students who are dependents of dues-paying MSEA-SEIU members. Three are for MSEA-SEIU members continuing their education. MSEA-SEIU scholarships are:

2023 MSEA-SEIU Full-Time Student Scholarships. Seven scholarships ranging from $750 to $1,500 apiece are available for students who have one of the following relationships with a dues-paying MSEA-SEIU member: son or daughter of an MSEA member; stepchild of an MSEA member who resides with the MSEA member; son or daughter of the MSEA member’s significant other who resides with the MSEA member in accordance with the sick leave article of the Executive Branch contract; student who is under legal guardianship of an MSEA member; and/or grandchild of an MSEA member who resides with the grandparent. Applicants must be entering full-time post-secondary educational or vocational programs for the first time as freshmen. Download the full-time student application and instructions here.

2023 MSEA-SEIU Member (Part-Time Student) Scholarships. Three $500 scholarships, one for each of the three MSEA Areas, are for MSEA-SEIU members enrolled in educational programs. These scholarships are for members who furthering their education either on a part-time basis while employed OR on a full-time basis after obtaining an educational leave of absence. Download the member (part-time student) application and instructions here.

Applications and all required data for all scholarships must be received at MSEA-SEIU headquarters by April 21, 2023. If you have any questions, please contact MSEA-SEIU Member Benefits Manager Luanne Collins at 622-3151 or via email.

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