

February 6, 2023

Testify Feb. 9, 10, 14 on retiree COLA, Medicare Part B premiums

Join in these crucial opportunities to make your voice heard at the Legislature and to help fight to improve conditions for MainePERS participants:

Thursday, Feb. 9 at 1pm – The Legislature’s Labor and Housing Committee will hold a hearing on LD 111 requiring the State to pay a percentage of retirees’ Medicare Part B Advantage premiums based on their pension income. Testify in SUPPORT of LD 111 in-person at Cross Office Building Room 202. To submit written testimony electronically or to sign up to testify over Zoom, go here. Directions for electronic testimony whether uploading it or Zooming in: At the link, click Public Hearing; select Labor and Housing Committee; select Feb. 9; then LD 111; then upload a PDF of your testimony or copy/paste the text into the box. Be sure to fill in all required info, including whether you plan to testify over Zoom.

Friday, Feb. 10 at 1pm – The Appropriations Committee and the Labor Committee will hold a joint hearing on portions of the proposed Biennial Budget (LD 258) relating to MainePERS. This is your opportunity to ask for a full, cumulative retiree cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) and to work to reverse the 2011 pension cuts! Testify in person at State House Room 228. To submit written testimony electronically or to sign up to testify over Zoom, go here. Directions for electronic testimony whether uploading it or Zooming in: At the link, click Public Hearing; select Appropriations Committee; select Feb. 10; then upload a PDF of your testimony or copy/paste the text into the box. Be sure to fill in all required info, including whether you plan to testify over Zoom.

Tuesday, Feb. 14 at 1pm – The Labor and Housing Committee will hold a hearing on LD 70 requiring that the cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) applies to the full MainePERS pension benefit, rather than just the first $24,186.25. Testify in SUPPORT of LD 70 at Cross Office Building Room 202. To submit written testimony electronically or to sign up to testify over Zoom, go here. Directions for electronic testimony whether uploading it or Zooming in: At the link, click Public Hearing; select Labor and Housing Committee; select Feb. 14; then LD 70; then upload a PDF of your testimony or copy/paste the text into the box. Be sure to fill in all required info, including whether you plan to testify over Zoom.

We need as many retirees as possible to make their voices heard if we want to make progress on these issues. Again, you can testify in person at the State House, over Zoom, or in writing. There are lots of ways to make your voice heard!

Contact MSEA-SEIU Lead Member Political and Legislative Coordinator Beth White (email or 624-0628) if you plan to testify so we can keep track of turnout. If you need help signing up or drafting your remarks, Beth can help with that, too! We want to make sure everyone has the tools and support they need to speak up, so don’t hesitate to reach out.

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