Bargaining News


February 22, 2023

Lillian’s Corner — Greetings from your unapologetic heart thief, Lillian!

Greetings from your unapologetic heart thief, Lillian!

My tail wagga meter was going full speed after the 2022 elections! You all came through and elected many friends that will represent all of our interests in the State House! Let’s make sure we hold all of the folks in the Legislature accountable to their promises to make the lives of workers and puppies better.

As I write to you amid a deep freeze, remember we are now bargaining our largest contracts and now is the time to get involved and demand the pay gap be closed, fix the broken classification system and improve the work-life balance that is crucial piece of a fulfilled life. We all deserve a safe and healthy workplace and to be treated fairly and with equity.

I’ll be making plenty of noise throughout the 2023 Executive Branch Bargaining and I want you to join me. Let’s send a loud and clear message that management must honor the work we all do by providing the pay we deserve! I can’t wait to see you all in the virtual world and perhaps in person now and then….please bring treats! Woof!

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President Biden signs Social Security Fairness Act of 2023 into law, repealing two decades-old federal laws that penalized public workers and their families

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