

January 26, 2024

Elections for delegates for the SEIU International Quadrennial Convention

Every four years, members of MSEA-SEIU Local 1989 elect delegates who come together to celebrate and set the direction of our international union, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).

As such, we will hold elections for MSEA-SEIU members who want to serve as delegates to the SEIU International Quadrennial Convention in Philadelphia, Pa., from May 20-24, 2024. We will send: up to three voting delegates allotted by SEIU based on an even distribution of voting delegates among the Area active members; and one retiree delegate.

To run for election, you must request, complete and return a nomination petition with the signatures of 10 members from your Area. Request a nominations petition by contacting or calling 207-624-0606. The deadline for completed nominations petitions to be received is 5pm Thursday, Feb. 15, 2024. Elections will be held by mail ballot at the close of the nominations.

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MSEA Updates


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At MaineDOT, ‘We have work going to established private entities, where the community values are secondary as the checks change hands’

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‘We have seen many examples of the hatcheries losing good people due to low pay’

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