Eastern Maine Labor Council (In Person & ZOOM)
Solidarity Center 20 Ivers Street, Brewer, MaineEichel-Crinion Chapter Meeting (In Person & ZOOM)
SafetyWorks Training Institute 45 Commerce Dr, Augusta, MESo Maine Labor Council (In Person & ZOOM)
So ME Labor Council 995 Forest Ave, Portland, MEMidcoast Retirees Chapter Meeting
Mulligan's - Rockland Country Club 606 Old County Rd, Rockland, MaineCentral Maine Labor Council (In Person & ZOOM)
USW 449 Hall 577 Benton Rd, Winslow, MECapitol Western Chapter Meeting – ZOOM & In-Person
MSEA Headquarters 5 Community Drive, 3rd Floor, Augusta, ME, United StatesWestern Maine Labor Council (In Person & ZOOM)
Local 14 Solidarity Hall 6 Intervale Rd, Jay, MEKermit Nickerson Chapter Elections – In Person & ZOOM
MSEA Headquarters 5 Community Drive, 3rd Floor, Augusta, ME, United StatesTENTATIVE – Motor Vehicle Chapter Meeting
BMV Admin. Office, Freeman Exec. Conf. Room 101 Hospital St., Augusta, MaineCMLC Labor Day Cook-Out
USW Local 4-9 Union Hall 653 Waterville Rd, Skowhegan, METhe Central Maine Labor Council will hold its free annual cookout and celebration on Sunday, September 1, from 11 am to 1pm at the USW 4-9 Union Hall, 653 Waterville Road in Skowhegan. Come out and show your support for the 1,000 union members who are in the middle of contract negotiations at Sappi in Skowhegan and the Huhtamaki mill in Waterville. If you plan to attend please RSVP to centralmainelabor@gmail.com