Maine AFL-CIO Annual Labor Lobby Day
Maine State House, AugustaThe Maine AFL-CIO's annual Labor Lobby Day is on Thursday, March 27, 2025 at the State House in Augusta. At Labor Lobby Day, union members will learn how to be citizens lobbyists for pro-worker legislation in Augusta. Workers will have the opportunity to connect to other union members and pro-labor elected officials as well as learn about: labor's priority bills this session that will impact you and your union; how to effectively lobby your legislators for pro-labor bills; and how you and your union can get involved.
So Maine Labor Council (In Person & ZOOM)
So ME Labor Council 995 Forest Ave, Portland, MEEastern Maine Labor Council (In Person & ZOOM)
Solidarity Center 20 Ivers Street, Brewer, MaineCapitol Western Chapter Meeting – ZOOM & In-Person
MSEA Headquarters 5 Community Drive, 3rd Floor, Augusta, ME, United StatesCentral Maine Labor Council (In Person & ZOOM)
USW 449 Hall 577 Benton Rd, Winslow, MEWestern Maine Labor Council (In Person & ZOOM)
Local 14 Solidarity Hall 6 Intervale Rd, Jay, MEMotor Vehicle Chapter Meeting
BMV Admin. Office, Freeman Exec. Conf. Room 101 Hospital St., Augusta, MaineGrace Foster Chapter Meeting
Riverview Psychiatric Center - Sebago Conference RoomMeetings will be in the Sebago Conference Room at Riverview Psychiatric Center if available. Otherwise, they will take place via Teams