Eichel-Crinion Chapter Meeting (ZOOM & In-Person)
MDOL Safetyworks Training Facility 45 Commerce Dr, Augusta, MEMotor Vehicle Chapter Meeting
BMV Main Office, Freeman Exec. Conf. Room 101 Hospital St., Augusta, MaineLabor Lobby Day
Brothers, sisters and friends —
When working people band together and make their voices heard, we have the power to make major improvements to the lives of working class people. Please join union members from across the state at this year’s annual Labor Lobby Day on Thursday, March 7, 7:45am - 3pm at the State House in Augusta.
This year, unions are working to pass a number of bills to improve working conditions and staffing, protect workers organizing, promote union jobs, make our workplaces safer and more!
At the Maine AFL-CIO’s Labor Lobby Day, union members will learn all you need to know about talking with your legislator about labor priorities. Workers will have the opportunity to connect to other union members and pro-labor elected officials and learn about how to get more involved. No experience is needed. We will give you all the training you need to be a citizen lobbyist!
Please consider bringing some new members from your local who have never attended. It can be a transformative experience getting involved in the legislative process.
Cumberland Chapter Meeting
El Rodeo 147 Western Ave, So. Portland, MaineSnow Date is Tuesday, 3/19/2024, at 6:00 p.m.
Central Maine Labor Council (In Person & ZOOM)
USW 449 Hall 577 Benton Rd, Winslow, MEAndroscoggin Chapter Meeting
We would like to see as many members as possible. Come meet your new Androscoggin Chapter President, Marcia Hard, and chapter delegates. We will provide food as always. Please call me at 207-212-6686 if you need to be let in the building by the employee entrance.
In Solidarity,
Darcey Boucher
Androscoggin Chapter Vice President